Scripture Reading - Psalms 119:164-165

164 Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.
165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. KJV

We notice three very important character traits of a faithful man or woman of God. First, the Godly saint is a person of praise! Praise should be in our mouth daily and more exactly several times during that day. Secondly, we are people that love God’s Word, studying, meditating, reading and speaking God’s Word brings us great peace. Thirdly, this great peace keeps things going on around us from getting us upset, agitated or offended. During a period of turmoil in the world today we must be on guard to not let people who are upset or offended pass on their offense and anger to us. We as Ministers of God's Peace must pass on His Good News to them. Hopefully we will lead by example and our praise life mixed with His peace will be transferred to them to help them to be more praiseful and peaceable, thus protecting them and us from being upset and offended. Know that peace and praise work together, usually the key is you being in peace to set the stage for praise. So be in peace and praise God inwardly and outwardly. Also, this order may be reversed and still yield God's good results. If you are upset start praising God outloud to usher in God's Presence of peace. For He is the God of all Peace who inhabits our Praises. Amen!